Pattabuka, Karimpur, Nadia-741122

9830157347, 7797008501

School's Target


Target of the School

1) To develop aesthetic sense among the students.
2) To provide proper guaidance for leadership.
3) To provide opportunity for expression.
4) To share experience in Group work.
5) To make every students an organizer.
6) To create an atmosphere of brotherhood.
7) To develop knowledge, skill and wisdom.
8) To create tolerance, value, peace and love.
9) To inculcate the value of national integration.
10) To develop a sense of self-respect and responsibility.
11) To create personality in the light of all round development.
12) To find out and develop telents.

In the above context we strongly believe it is not usually inborn, they have to be made in a right situation, right time by right guidance and creating an environment of integrated development of a child. Now-a-days, need of the greater society in our country is value based education. St. Stephen’s School’s missions to fulfill the needs with a well planned and systematic set up. Our beloved children can “Bring light to poor and bring more light to the rich for they require it more than the poor, bring light to the ignorant and more to the educated for the varieties of the education of our time are tremendous”(Swami Vivekananda). St. Stephen’s, the only co-education English medium institution in this locality (Karimpur) has taken oath to build up the needy children of the society, not only facilitation by academic Excellence process but by conducting Co-Curricular Activities.

• One who never makes fun of the old and the poor. God’s hand rests lovingly on the aged and the poor.
• One who never cheats or is fair at games. Play should strengthen most weak Characters.
• One who never uses bad languages or offensive printed matter. You throw mud and cannot expects to keep your hands clean.
• One who is never cruel to the weak. Kindness is the mark of a gentel person.
• One who never tells lies. Every lie leaves a black spot on the character of the speaker.
• One who is always ready to lend a helping hand. You yourself will need help sometimes.