Pattabuka, Karimpur, Nadia-741122

9830157347, 7797008501

About School


Journey of the School

The school derives its name from St. Stephen, the first Christian sacrificial victim, who is regarded as the patron saint of the institution and 15th of February is celebrated as the St. Stephen’s day. St. Stephen’s is portrayed in the radiant terms in the Book of Acts Chapters VI and VII of the Bible. Stephen was man of God. He was not only prudent but also a person of profound faith. God blessed him abundantly and he was over flowing with the Holy Spirit. He performed countless miracles and went about spreading the message of God. However, the preaching of Stephens was not cherished by the members of the Jewish council, who become infuriated when he said that he could see Jesus standing in all his glory at the right hand of God. Hearing this they become furious an dragged him of the city and stoned him to decease. He in addition at the of his death cried out for forgiveness of all those who killed him. St. Stephen is a gleaming model of Spiritual headship. We earnestly look forward to that the life of St. Stephen will arouse all young men and women to come under our guidance because they are “STEPHENITES”.

In response of the demand and urge of the populace of Karimpur and its adjacent areas the mother body of the mission namely Church of North India extended its mission work under the guidance of the Diocese of Barrackpore for imparting quality education to the high ambitious children of the determined people at an reasonably priced free by establishing today’s renowned St. Stephen’s School, Karimpur in the year 2010 and it started its glorious working with fellowship and cooperation of the local inhabitants. The renowned Diocesan Mission School, Karimpur was preferred to switch over in the school, Karimpur and the will of the Almighty and endeavor of the missionaries was fulfilled right now St. Stephen School, Karimpur is soaring along with other distinguished branches with the same name covering eastern India with the same mission and doctrines.

St. Stephen’s School, Karimpur has been functioning, splendidly since its installation under the directives of the Barrackpore Diocesan Education society and the Governing Body of the Founders Body and school has be now won accolades for imparting education and this is gratified by achieving cent percent project result by the learners of this magnificent Institute.