Pattabuka, Karimpur, Nadia-741122

9830157347, 7797008501

School's Objectives


Objectives of the School

1. Identification of the needs of our students and adoption of suitable programmes to fulfill them.
2. Development of modern curriculum, enrichment of materials for teaching-learning process as well as for reinforcing class room teaching.
3. Development of effective teaching aids and acquainting teacher with latest educational methodology.
4. Encouragement and Co-ordination of innovative practice, action, research, experimentation and survey project etc. in the light of new modern Global Education System.

Above all, the School’s main motto is to nurture the creativity in teaching and learning procedure in a distinguished manner.

The practical steps are as follows:
a) Developing curiously and interest in intellectual matter at an early age of the child.
b) Including a Variety of learning tasks in the day to day activities as some children prefer to learn by discovering rather than by imparting.
c) Bringing more stimuli into the learning experience.
d) Asking question that elicit unique responses Acceptance and valuation of unique response when initiated by the children.
e) Developing progress warm up for creative activities from simple to complex.
f) Avoiding giving examples when seeking creative efforts.
g) Accepting new ideas.
h) Providing opportunities for imaginative activities.
i) Providing time for full development of the students who are slow learner.