Pattabuka, Karimpur, Nadia-741122

9830157347, 7797008501

Bishop's Message


Message from the Bishop

I would like to welcome all our students and teachers and Non- teaching staff of St. Stephen’s School, Karimpur at the commencement of a New Academic Year, when you are about to bring out School website for the very first time it is exciting yet to see so many happy faces and witness so many great things happening in our school this year. Each new school year brings joy, excitement, challenges, opportunities and anticipation. Being the Bishop as well as the President, I am so proud and fortunate to be a part of such an amazing close school community. It is an honour to serve those who serve. My goal is that everyone who enters our school will feel welcomed, loved confident and safe with prayer and good wishes.

We understand that the school education is to provide every child with a stable academic platform but we aim to go beyond this and consider education holistically. With our missionary vision, care and support from our Principal, teaching and Non teaching members, we aim to stimulate every child’s facilities and help them to have a sound mind along with a healthy body.

Education is shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students an enthusiastic parents. To make our dream come true and to get boost out of education a collaborative approach is necessary. The school management and teachers together with the cooperation of the parents only can make all our efforts success. So I believe, together we can achieve a lot.

I pray, God may assist us in all our endeavors and bless us, May Jesus our Master, our Lord be the guiding source to each one of us.

With prayers and goof wishes.

The Rt. Rev. Subrata Chakrabarty


Diocese of Barrackpore, CNI